Impacts On Our Community
- Increase car and trailer truck traffic on Route 82 and other local roads, including Wiltsie Bridge Road, Roche Drive, and the already dangerous intersection of Route 82 and Route 7, as guests arrive and depart and food, supplies, and equipment are delivered multiple times each week . The resort’s garbage and snow removal needs will also increase the frequency of large truck equipment.
- Deplete and potentially contaminate the surface waterways and aquifer that serve the hamlet of Ancram and surrounding properties, including the Roeliff Jansen Kill and farms that require seasonal irrigation.
- Decrease affordable housing. Iron Star has already demolished three homes in this housing category.
- Increase noise levels 365 days a year at all times of day, including loud music at special events.
- Generate excessive light. With its multiple accommodation buildings, 10-bedroom inn, restaurant, support buildings, and illuminated pathways, the resort’s lighting will take away the night sky for residents in the surrounding valley.
- Increase the need for police, fire fighting, emergency, and road maintenance services and vehicles, raising the tax burden for landowners in the Township.
- Degrade irreplaceable high-quality agricultural soils.
- Compromise the historic and rural character of the Ancram Hamlet and surrounding farms, as their boundaries are overwhelmed by sprawl.
- Disrupt the seasonal migration, nesting and breeding grounds and year-round habitats of local wildlife, potentially including the endangered New England Cottontail and the Indiana bat. The diffuse building plan and incessant guest traffic will also disturb ground nesting birds, such as the bobolink and meadowlark, and reptiles and amphibians that require safe passage to wetlands to reproduce.
- Overload the electrical grid with amenities such as air-conditioning, a full-service hotel, a restaurant, on-site transportation by golf carts, and general electrical service to numerous structures. The vulnerable condition of the grid, which already experiences power outages, will create a need for generators, further increasing noise and disrupting the landscape.
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