Rural Ancram
is a group of local residents who aim to prevent harmful development on agricultural land and critical aquifers, within forests, and near fragile wetlands and waterways in historic Ancram, including the hamlets of Ancram, Ancramdale, and Boston Corners.Our mission is to support and promote the clearly stated goals and priorities of Ancram township residents, as outlined in the Town’s Zoning Code and 2019 Comprehensive Plan. Rural Ancram is a nonpolitical organization open to all interested in preserving Ancram’s distinct agricultural, historic, and natural assets, while keeping the town affordable for future generations. Rural Ancram was formed to represent the residents’ rightful voice at each step of the process for new development proposals.

Everything to Lose, Nothing to Gain
Ancram residents have spent decades carefully planning a future that protects the Town’s most important resources: farmland, active agriculture, clean water, natural habitats, scenic views, and distinct hamlets with historic character. We want this to remain a place where all present and future residents can live and thrive. These irreplaceable assets and the rural character of our community are threatened by one big private development, right now, in the valley at the heart of our town. Iron Star violates every value expressed by Ancram’s 2019 Comprehensive Plan.
If this project is not stopped, Iron Star will densely cluster numerous buildings on the west side of Route 82, just north of Wiltsie Bridge Road, extending westward to Pooles Hill Road and the Roeliff Jansen Kill. This property, a remnant of one of Ancram’s largest family farms, contains a tributary creek, wetland, open pasture, a significant stand of woods, and the diverse wildlife that relies upon these habitats.
Iron Star proposes a “resort” development with many new structures, including at least 20 houses and seasonal buildings and a 10-bedroom hotel. These dwellings will be accompanied by the construction of roads, parking lots, lighting, sewage disposal system and wells necessary to support the 25-plus families who may rent these short-term units. Iron Star intends to operate 365 days a year.
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